Language preparation course tailored for healthcare professionals

Our learner-centred OET and IELTS Preparation programmes provide all the tools for success and a new career overseas!

OET and IELTS preparation courses for Health Care Professionals

Live classes, assessments, exam practice materials and feedback

Podcasts and videos for additional authentic  language practice

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Who We Are

The Best Teachers!

The exams, both OET and IELTS, are tests of a student's English Language Skills. OEWorld mentors are qualified teachers and Native English Language speakers who understand what it takes to succeed in English language exams. mentors provide feedback on assessments, and offer authentic practice exams that enable students to recognise strengths and weaknesses and to gain confidence in their English language ability.

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower healthcare professionals whose dream it is to emigrate to the UK, Ireland, Australia, USA, Canada or New Zealand by providing the tools needed to succeed in the OET and IELTS exams on the first attempt. Our course aims to improve our students' reading, writing, listening and speaking skills  OEWorld sees our students as an extension of the OEWorld family, and helping students to gain confidence in Emglish to fulfil dreams of an overseas career is our primary goal. 

Our Vision

Our English language and Exam preparation courses provide the tools for OET and IELTS success.


Our learning materials are tailored to meet individual needs and aspirations. Our students can choose what and when to study and can choose to focus on individual modules depending on their needs.


We offer a cutting-edge learning platform accessible 24/7 regardless of location, time zone, background or circumstances. Bite sized lessons allow for mastery in English and the OET exam.


OEWorld is dedicated to continuously improving learning materials to meet rapidly changing industry standards. Our authentic practice exams enable students to develop confidence and exam taking skills.


Our dedicated teachers, OET and IELTS experts and our support team work hard to uphold the highest standards of curriculum development, instruction and learner engagement. Our students' success is of utmost importance to OEWorld. 


OEWorld is more than an education provider - we are a global learning community that fosters relationships with health care institutions all over the world. Moving to a new country is the start of a new adventure, let us help you get there!


Our commitment to integrity, transparency and ethical practices guides us as OEWorld teachers. We hold ourselves accountable to the highest standards of honesty and fairness and will continue to dedicate our time and effort to all our OEWorld students.

Our OET Preparation Courses

Our Course

English Exam Preparation Courses - OET & IELTS

Our English Exam Preparation courses have been meticulously designed to incorporate everything you will need to pass the OET or IELTS exams on your first attempt with the required scores. The unique design of the course ensures that you will be 100% prepared to take the exam. A mixture of English langauge preparation, cultural awareness and understanding, job readiness skills and of course, lots and lots of English practice for the exams.
The OEWorld course  helped me to achieve my goals of passing the OET exam on the first try and getting a job overseas. Now I am working in a hospital in London and I am loving it.

Yanny, Manila, Philippines

Why Choose Us

OET Success!

We’ve been teaching English to second language learners for over 30 years. By choosing OEWorld, you are choosing to work with the best teachers in the world. All of our teachers are native English speakers and have excellent knowledge of the OET exam and in many cases, our students are able to pass the exam on their first attempt. 

Benefits of our training programs

Our Easy platform

The user-friendly OEWorld platform is accessible 24/7. Download audio files, listen to lectures, take quizzes, Participate in live classes or catch up on the recordings. Sit mock OET exams and receive feedback from your mentors. OEWorld offers all the tools needed to succeed in the OET exam.

Bespoke Materials

Our experienced OEWorld teachers have created the largest selection of original OET and English Language learning materials that focus on all four sub-skills: reading, writing, li, the course is broken down lesson by lesson, point by point to ensure your OET success.

Moving Overseas!

When you pass the OET exam, you will have an opportunity to work in some of the best health-care facilities in the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada! OEWorld is affiliated with hospitals and health care clinics around the world. Your new life is just 12 weeks away!

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#2 Intelligent sales engine

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#3 Rich interactive courses

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#4 Fully social learning

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